
Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right

Created by Leder Games

Root is a game of adventure and war in which 1 to 6 players battle for control of a vast wilderness. Root represents the next step in our development of asymmetric design. Like Vast: the Crystal Caverns, each player in Root has unique capabilities and a different victory condition. Now, with the aid of gorgeous, multi-use cards, a truly asymmetric design has never been more accessible. In Root, players drive the narrative, and the differences between each role create an unparalleled level of interaction and replayability. Leder Games invites you and your family to explore the fantastic world of Root!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Ooops...Wrong campaign there.
over 6 years ago – Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 01:31:52 AM

Disregard that last update I was in the wrong campaign.

over 6 years ago – Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 01:31:47 AM

Please ignore this update there is no way to delete updates. Sorry about the trouble.

Final Call to Finalize Addresses
over 6 years ago – Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 11:16:24 PM

Hey everyone!

As of this writing, a reminder email to finalize your shipping addresses has gone out to everyone that has completed their Backerkit surveys and completed their payments for Root. 

Please review your surveys to make sure that the items you have pledged for are correct, and that your address information is correct. 

How Do I Change My Address?

The ability to change your address is directly from your survey link, which is sending out today. If you have not received your email, or need assistance, please email me at [email protected]

How Long Do I Have to Update My Address?

From the time of this writing, we'll be giving roughly 48 hours to update addresses as needed. After this 48 hour period, we will be locking surveys and closing any ability from your end to make any alterations to your shipping address (the ability to purchase additional items has already closed prior to this).

If an urgent address change is needed after we finalize surveys, please email us immediately at [email protected]. Depending on how close we are to fulfilling, we still might be able to update your address for you, but cannot guarantee anything as we'll be forwarding backer shipping information to fulfillment centres soon.

What If I did a Group Pledge or I'm a Retailer?

For those that made group pledges, are retailers, or anyone who pledged at the Alliance pledge level, please do not make any alternations to your backerkit account.

If there is any need for an address change, please contact [email protected], who you should already be in contact with and should have your confirmed orders already.

What If I Didn't Confirm/Pay For My Survey Yet?

A reminder email has gone out today for those with surveys that are still incomplete. 

Your survey may be incomplete due to not having your shipping information added to your survey, declined charges, missing payment information etc. 

**Please note that despite your payment going through on Kickstarter, your survey may still be incomplete due to your shipping address information not being confirmed on Backerkit**

If you are unsure if your survey is marked complete or not, please email me at [email protected] and I can look into that for you.

For those that fall in this category and do not finalize their surveys within the next 48 hours, is not guaranteed to have their games delivered during our first wave of fulfillment and may deliver late depending on the schedules of our fulfillers. 

So What Does This Mean?

With this final call to finalize your shipping address, it means that Root is currently in the water and on its way to fulfillment centres! For those wondering, these are the following fulfillers we'll be using for the different regions:

  • US - Atlas Games
  • Asia - VFI Distribution
  • Canada - Quiche Games
  • EU and Rest of the World - Happy Shops
  • Australia - Let's Play

We're still a few weeks off from expecting the boat to arrive, and adding time to transit to the fulfillers as well as potential customs hold ups, we're still hanging onto the hope that shipping your pledges should start right around Gencon in some regions.

Please Do Not Send Us Kickstarter Messages

Just a reminder, please do not send us messages on kickstarter if you need help with your address. Our messages are not checked as regularly as our emails so in the event of something needing our urgent attention, the best way to contact us is by emailing us at [email protected]

We're close to the finish line, and we're super stoked for Root to finally be in your hands!

That's it for now! Thanks!

Shipping Update, Origins, and the Final PNP
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 01:45:52 AM

Dear Backers,

Root has left the factory, and the boat is being loaded at this very moment. So far, everything is on schedule, and we are hoping to have these shipped out by the last week of July to North American backers. We are less sure about the precise timeline when it comes to backers in other parts of the world, but it looks like we will certainly be on schedule for August deliveries for everyone. Of course, at this point, it's very easy to gain/lose a week due to speedy or slow customs inspections or any number of minor things. We'll be sure to keep you all updated. Assuming we can ship out orders to North American backers first, it's our hope that we will have the game to sell at Gen Con.

While our printer was loading trucks in China last week, we piled up in a couple vans and drove across the Midwest to Origins. We spent most of our time at the con showing off Vast: the Mysterious Manor, but we couldn't help but show off a few production copies of Root we had flown in. 

We are all really happy with how the game turned out. I can't wait to everyone gets their copy!

Finally, as promised, I've completed the files for the final PNP edition of the game. The majority of the changes are quite minor. Players can probably easily update their kits by hand. I've itemized many of the changes at the end of this update.

I want to make two other points about the final PNP. First, I did the minimum amount of formatting I could on the files. Previous kits used a scaffolding I use for play-testing kits so that they are easy to cut and assemble at the cost of some size distortion. For this kit, basically everything is true to size. People who want to print out the map on a large format can, and others can use any number of file spliters to fit their needs. Likewise, I've included all of the cards with bleed. All that said, at the request of Kyle and Patrick, I've down-sampled much of the game's art to protect against piracy (text, icons, etc are exempted).

All of the print and play files can be found here:

The Final Print-and-Play



Changes between the previous pnp and the final game:  

Mouse Icon Changed (in random surveys folks thought the old icon was a monkey) Learn to Play slightly restructured  Walk-through Added Winter Map AddedMechanical Marquise AddedItems now come from a limited supplyNations now called suits.Tons of small wording and usability changes!

Vagabond: Hostile points adjusted.
Draw symbol altered to reduce confusion.
Adjustments to the Lizards Sacrifice and some other small adjustments throughout the board.

(I probably missed a couple other things, but this should cover the bigger points.)

Vast TMM Launched
almost 7 years ago – Wed, May 30, 2018 at 12:57:41 AM

Dear Backers,  

Things have been a little quiet around here lately. Mostly, the games are getting ready for assembly and we haven't had much Root-related work on our plates. I did have the good fortune to take the game to HeavyCon in Denver where I got to show off the production copy. We'll have it with us in Origins, so be sure to stop by and see it if you are in Columbus, Ohio in a few weeks.

I am not very good at taking pictures.
I am not very good at taking pictures.


the main reason I'm writing you is to let everyone know about the launch of our next game, Vast: The Mysterious Manor. During the development of Root, Patrick was hard at work on this design. It's been a great pleasure helping it come to life over the last year. Many lessons were learned during the development of Root and most of them found application in the Vast: The Mysterious Manor. Kyle knocked it out of the park (as usual) with new art and world-building, and Patrick rose to the occasion to design a game that plays as well as it looks. 

Those who love Vast will find the same deep asymmetric gameplay that first brought them to Leder Games. And, players who haven't taken the dive yet will find the system more approachable than ever before. We're all really proud of this game!   

So, if you'd like to follow along, I'd encourage you to back our next game, Vast: The Mysterious Manor.