
Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right

Created by Leder Games

Root is a game of adventure and war in which 1 to 6 players battle for control of a vast wilderness. Root represents the next step in our development of asymmetric design. Like Vast: the Crystal Caverns, each player in Root has unique capabilities and a different victory condition. Now, with the aid of gorgeous, multi-use cards, a truly asymmetric design has never been more accessible. In Root, players drive the narrative, and the differences between each role create an unparalleled level of interaction and replayability. Leder Games invites you and your family to explore the fantastic world of Root!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

PAX Unplugged and the arrival of the Druids
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 07:15:10 PM

It is late here in the Eastern Time Zone and I am very very tired. PAX: Unplugged was incredible and my hat is off to the organized despite my skepticism. The Enforcers and everyone involved did a fantastic job! Shout out to our zone’s enforcer Emil! I bombed one night of sleep and I am still fighting off something, if you talked to me Saturday I apologize for being tired and weird. Likewise for this update.

We at one point counted 4 full tables of folks waiting for a 2 turn demo at the booth. Caryl worked the demo hall area and had a list of 7 groups waiting to play. Vast was very popular to and we were always demoing the game. I think you can clearly see the results with the increased momentum we picked up over the weekend.

Here is a picture of us at our booth!  

Cole tells me Root was well received at BGG con and the demo set was being moved forward from group to group that would teach the next one how to play. I am sure there was an impact there too.

I wish we had more people to demo, a friend that came with said he felt like he had maybe turned away 100 people looking to play. Sorry about that!

Anyway you came here for the update about the Stretch Goals. The new Core Faction is a race of Lizard Druids. What species? Maybe Kyle can tell us. At this point I am concerned about the liability of adding more stretch goals so I am going to be responsible and let the goals we have reached guide us to the end.

In their current design the Druids will work by using cards from the discard pile and I am working on something about the benefits of many other side’s warriors being lost. Their goal will be to return the board to a state of nature.  

I am very tired. I am going to go sleep now and then enjoy my two day car trip home. I can't wait to see my wife and my daughter. Take care and I am excited to see what these last 2 days will bring. 

Root: The Riverfolk Expansion!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:46:37 PM

Happy mid-campaign everyone! We are so amazed with how things are going and I want to really thank everyone for the help you are providing. I am reaching out to you today with the following news and change to the campaign.

Starting now we are unlocking everything up to the 300,000 dollar stretch goal. The vast majority of the stretch goals and future stretch goals will be moved into an expansion called Root: The Riverfolk. It will retail separately, but all backers of the campaign will receive one expansion for each core set they order.  

THIS WILL NOT IMPACT BACKERS IN ANYWAY. ALL funding levels will receive a copy of the Expansion per game ordered and you won’t have to pay extra at retail! We plan to make the expansion fit in the core box.

You do not need to change your pledge, you will be receiving the expansion. Retailers will also be receiving Expansions. Shipping will remain the same.

Here is a picture summarizing what you will get:

Now please go out and spread the news. We are hoping this will rally backers that were on the fence and push us forward. New stretch goals will be announced as we reach where the old goals were.

More Stretch Goals!
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:44:06 PM

My goodness what a weekend! Thanks to everyone for helping spread the word about Root. As promised, we’ll continue to announce new stretch goals as the old stretch goals are met.  

That means we owe you all two announcements. So, without further ado, here’s what we have on the horizon:

Like the other Vagabond variants, our 350,000 stretch goal will be included in the Riverfolk expansion. At 400,000 we will be able to provide additional pieces in the core set so that players can use the winter board to randomize the game’s map. There’s already a ton of replay value in this box, but, with randomized setup the possibilities are astronomical!  

Thanks again for all of your kind comments and interesting suggestions. Here’s hoping we can unlock these next stretch goals and offer you all even more. 

One final note, the PNP and TTS will available by the end of the week. We've been having a blast playing the game at the office, and we cannot wait to share it with everyone!

Art Preview
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:42:53 PM

We are all hands on deck getting ready for the Print and Play release. Cole has the set built and we are doing another round of reading in house. Cole is working on an audio file explaining how to play ( and video if he can get to it ).

Keep an eye on my Facebook and Twitter, we are going to try and play Thursday night or Friday afternoon on Tabletop Simulator. We will broadcast our second game and once that is over, I am willing to host tables of players from the audience.

In the meantime enjoy Kyle and Cole working on a card.



Info about Coop/Solo Mode and Final Stretch Goal Revealed
about 7 years ago – Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 05:38:32 PM

Hi everyone,

We’ve had a busy week here getting the PNP ready for you guys. It’s been amazing to see how many people have built sets already. We hope you guys have as much fun playing it as we did making it!

Today we have hit the last of our previously unlocked stretch goals, so I’m going to use this message to tell you a little about how the solo/coop modes of the game work. After that, I’ll also announce what will be our final stretch goal.

So, first let’s talk about the factions. Right now the game has six factions: Marquise, Eyrie, Alliance, Riverfolk, Vagabond #1, and Vagabond #2. These factions can be divided into two groups. The first group contains the core factions: Marquise and Eyrie. The second group contains the opportunist factions (that’s everyone else).

(Note: I previously described the Otters as a core faction. We've changed what that term means, but the content of that faction has not.)

When you play a game of Root, two core factions needs to be in every game. Then you can add up to four opportunist factions.

But, what if you and your friends would rather not play as one or both of the core factions? That’s where the bots come in. All of the Core factions have rules for easy automation which allow players, with minimal trouble, to automate the play of these core factions. Like just about everything else in the game, their actions are powered through card draws, so those card holders come in handy in terms of managing the play of the bots.

For a cooperative scenario, each of the core faction boards can be flipped over to reveal a exceptionally powerful variant of that role which will require that all of the other players work together to destroy it. Like the regular core factions, these variants can also be automated as well for fully cooperative play or played by players for an all vs. one scenario. We’ll also have one or two additional cooperative scenarios (perhaps featuring a bear!). Solo play will be built into these additional scenarios, or can be achieved by playing multiple roles or by just using a bot or two!

Whew, okay, I hope that answers your questions. As we’ve mentioned before, this stuff is still in development. Thanks to the success of this campaign, we’ll have the resources we need to do it right!

On that note, it’s my pleasure to announce our FINAL STRETCH GOAL...a third core faction. This expansion is going to be included in the expansion (free for backers!). Given what I’ve said in this update, you can imagine a third core faction dramatically expands the space of the game. The faction can be substituted for either the Cat or the Eyrie.